Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Would a Fashion Model's Diet Plan be

Ana Beatriz Barros by David ShankboneHave you ever wondered how the so-called super models manage to get in such good shape and stay trim, even after having a family?

Fashion models depend on their slim figures for their livelihood, so it's imperative that they always look good. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that you should embark on a diet of leaves and nuts. I'm not an advocate of the size zero, but I'm sure you'll find it interesting to know what sort of diet a fashion model would choose.

The Fashion Models Diet Plan

A favourite way for models to look good is to "Cleanse" or "Fast". This is not a complete starvation diet, as it will include the intake of soups and fruit juices over a 3 to7 day period. It is more of a detox routine and is gernerally only carried out once or twice a year.

The benefits of this detox is to obviously rid the body of harmful toxins, such as preservatives and food additives together with inhaled smoke and fumes. It also gives the colon a chance to rid the digestive system of any fecal build up. The results can be dramatic as the liver and kidneys are able to repair and replace damaged cells instead of continuing to rid the body of toxins.

A typical "Cleanse" diet might consist of a combination of fresh carrots, celery, beet, spinach, apple, coconut, broth and juices. Citrus and tomato juices are too acidic to drink while fasting so these should be avoided. It's important to drink plenty of water during the detox and avoid consuming any unnecessary medications or supplements.

The advantages of a detox are weight loss, reduced body odour, shinier finger nails, stronger hair, reduced cellulite, a glowing complexion and more beautiful eyes.

After the detox, the typical fashion model will then begin her normal eating habits, which to some people may appear to be a "real" diet. However, it will simply be a healthy balanced diet, which might typically consist of the following:

---Breakfast (9am)
One boiled egg with a slice of wholewheat bread
A bowl of cereal with skimmed milk
Black coffee
Total 369 calories

---Lunch (12.30pm)
Turkey salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Cup of tea with skimmed milk
Total 320 calories

---Early Evening Snack (4.30pm)
Low fat Jell-O pudding
Total 100 calories

---Dinner (8pm)
Lean Cuisine chicken a l'orange with rice
2 slices of low fat cheddar cheese with wholewheat crackers
Total 448 calories

The total calorie intake for a typical day is 1237. The aim of the diet is to keep the daily calorie count below 1500.

This is a typical example of a fashion model's diet, which will also involve some form of aerobic exercises 3 times a week.

So, as you can see it's not at all what you might have originally thought. It's just a sensible eating plan and a sensible exercise routine. However, if even this diet seems a little too much to stomach, you could try a natural herbal diet remedy.

Here are the top 5 tips that fashion models highly recommend for staying in trim.

1. Decrease your alcohol consumption. Alcohol suppresses the body's ability to burn fat.

2. Eat more Black Pepper, Ginger, Chile Peppers. Spicy food helps speed up the body's metabolism.

3. Increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns fat, so adding 5lbs of muscle will help you burn another 250 calories a day.

3. Increase your vitamin B and Calcium intake. The B-Vitamins give you more energy and increase your metabolism.

4. Drink More Water. A healthy, well-hydrated body is important to flush out toxins and aid in metabolising fats

5. Increase your intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 fatty acids can help to balance blood sugar levels and control appetite.

by: Mary Watson (http://www.slimeazy.com )

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Kedelai mengurangi kesuburan pria

Makanan berbahan baku kedelai seperti tahu, tempe dan susu kedelai, bisa mempengaruhi tingkat kesuburan laki-laki. Begitu menurut penelitian dr. Jorge Chavarro dari Harvard School of Public Health, Amerika Serikat. Sebab katanya kedelai bisa mengganggu hormon testosteron dalam merangsang testis memproduksi sperma.

Hasil peneliian itu dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Human Reproduction, edisi Juli 2008. Dalam riset ini dr Chavarro meneliti 99 laki-laki yang mendatangi klinik kesuburan bersama pasangannya. Ia mengambil sampel sperma yang sudah diteliti petugas klinik. Selain itu dr Chavarro dan koleganya juga mengajukan pertanyaan soal kebiasaan makan respondennya.

Ternyata jumlah sperma pada pria yang menyantap makanan berbahan baku kedelai hanya 41 juta sel dalam sekali ejakulasi. Padahal jumlah sperma pada pria lainnya mencapai 81 juta hingga 120 juta sel.

Dokter Chavarro mengungkapkan bahwa isoflavon yang ada dalam kedelai mungkin berpengaruh pada produksi sperma. Sama halnya isoflavon yang mempengaruhi hormon estrogen pada wanita. Tapi pada wanita, isoflavon justru berperan positif bagi kesuburan.

(sumber: Gatra no.38 th XIV, hlm. 66, 2008)

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Exercise, Why??

Kan barusan abis nonton Kick Andi yang edisi pak harmoko, pas ditanya gimana caranya sampai umur segini tetep bugar dan sehat? Kata pak HArmoko dia menerapkan Sehat dan Waras Jiwa dan Raga, gimana caranya? ya olah raga.

nah, teman-teman, emang bener tuh katanya pak Harmoko biar badan kita sehat, pikiran gak kusut, gak gampang lemah letih lesu, kita harus olah raga...
olah raga? yang ada dalam pikiran kalian tuh pasti udah yang berat-berat aja, kayak fitness, ato tenis, golf, bulutangkis hehehe... (mentang2 sekarang laghi perebutan piala thomas dan uber cup)

olah raganya dimulai dari yang gampang aja... seperti daripada naik lift kan kita bisa naik tangga, selain sehat sekalian bisa bakar kalori. trus kalo bisa jalan kaki (ke tempat yang ga jauh-jauh amat) mendingan jalan kaki, apalagi sekarang ini kan jakarta lagi muacet cet cet banget... dari pada terjebak macet, ngabisin bensin, kulit kering kena AC, mending jalan kaki, bisa ngeluarin keringet tuh, bagus khan...

oiya adalagi loh, alasan kenapa kita kudu musti olah raga ato kalo gak gerakin badan lah,

pertama, untuk mengurangi lemak yang terkumpul di tubuh.
kedua, exercise will increase your muscle tone.
ketiga, untuk melancarkan peredaran darah dari jantung ke pembuluh darah (ga maukan kalo kita gampang kena penyakit jantung).
keempat, menghindari long term weight gain.
kelima, agar penampilan kita senantiasa fresh dan agar mood terjaga tetap happy.
terakhir dan gak kalah penting, exercise juga bisa menguatkan mental.....

so, yang selama ini masih males buat gerakin badan.
ayo kita mulai.... biar badah sehat selalu, dan pikiran pun tetap jernih...

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Menghirup udara berpolusi, terutama dari asap kendaraan bermotor, dapat meningkatkan resiko terkena penyakit pembuluh darah, khususnya pembekuan darah yang berujung pada kematian. Penelitian yang dipimpin Dr Andrea Baccarelli dari Harvard School of Public Health. Amerika Serikat, menemukan bahwa terpapar debu partikulat -- zat kimia hasil pembakaran bahan bakar fosil -- dapat memicu terjadinya trombosis pada pembuluh darah vena bagian dalam, yang biasa disebut Varises.

Beberapa riset sebelumnya telah mengindikasikan bahwa debu partikulat juga dapat menaikkan resiko terserang penyakit jantung dan stroke. Debu polutan, kata peneliti itu, menyebabkan darah menjadi lebih kental dan cenderung mudah membeku atau menggumpal.

Jadi, mulai sekarang setelah kita tahu bahayanya, kita harus lebih berhati2 dalam merawat kendaraan bermotor milik kita dan juga bagi pengguna kendaraan umum, juga harus berhati2 agar tidak menghirup langsung asap kendaraan2 di jalan raya....

(sumber: Koran Tempo May, 17 2008)

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Why Healthyps ?

Healthy tips... gitu bacanya... hehe.

sesuai judul blognya, blog ini dimaksudkan untuk diisi dengan tip-tips tentang bagaimana caranya agar tubuh kita bisa fit dan sehat, kalo bisa gak hanya Body sih, Mind juga... sebagai mana pepatah, didalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang sehat....


di support ya teman... kalo ada salah, saran maupun komentar monggo... silahkan...

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